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Maintain your lifestyle after retiring from sport

There’s a reason many folk choose property investment. It’s one of the most reliable ways of creating long-term wealth, that grows year on year. Starting early is the key and many property athletes will start building their retirement plan, whilst still playing sport.


Here are our top property investing tips, inspired by sport, that can guide you towards a successful return on investment.

1. Set a Goal

What is your why? Why do you want 

to get into property investing?

• Protect your family’s future

• Continue to provide a private 

education for your children

• Continue to have incredible holidays whenever you want

• Help your kids get on the property ladder in the future

• Put yourselves in a strong financial position for retirement


 2. Strategy

What kind of property do you want to invest in? Flips? HMOs? Coliving? New builds? Supported Living? There are so many different property strategies and it’s important to consider diversifying your investments into a few different projects.

Due diligence is essential and not everyone has time to do the research. How do you know it’s the right investment area? The right strategy or even the right time to invest? That’s where working with a property development company plays into the favour of busy sporting athletes. Professional, experienced property developers have done the research, identified the right opportunities, created time-proof strategies and are successful project upon project.

Our favourite investment strategies are in coliving developments, buy to lets and new builds to sell. There are huge opportunities in these markets, with big money to be made and any potential risk mitigated due to a diversification of funds.


3. The Right Team

Get involved with a property development company that fits your personal values. Surround yourself with a good team. Look for a great portfolio and a proven track record.

Choose to work with a company that surround themselves with a good team including:

• Finance Brokers

• Solicitors

• Accountants

• Financial Planners

• Property Managers

• Quantity Surveyors

• Town Planners

• Building Inspectors

• Architects & Interior Designers

• Sustainability Professionals 


Fantastic Investment Opportunities

Following the successful growth of over 100 rental units in 4 years, our aim is to expand the existing portfolio at Scott Baker Properties, through the acquisition and development of 750 units in the SE of England (rooms or flats) over 5 years to 2025, worth £73 million. That’s a lot of return on investment to be made.

The prime focus is on coliving developments and our secondary focus is on developing flats.


UN Sustainable Goals For Development

It’s our vision to have a positive impact on the global shared housing market-place and create great spaces for people to live.

We work with UHNWIs & sophisticated investors like you, to create secure real estate investment opportunities for great returns.

We believe that as business owners, landlords and developers, it’s our responsibility to create more so that we can contribute towards more as well.

Commented [NS1]: & sophisticated investors like you

The UN Goals for Sustainable Development provides a framework for how businesses like ours, can make charitable donations towards the world’s biggest sustainability challenges.

It’s why, from our investments, we make a contribution that supports the UN Goals through the donation platform B1G1. You can find out more here:


5 Year Growth Plan 

The Project Pipeline

• Purchase existing HMOs that require refurbishment and potential further development to bring them up to coliving standards.

• Purchase housing that can be converted into coliving, through planning permissions and development of the property.

• Purchase commercial buildings that can be converted into coliving, mixed-use or flats through planning permissions & development of the property.

• Create new build developments, as flats, or as large coliving homes.



 “The majority of our investors look to reinvest with us”



How You Can Work With Us & Grow Your Wealth

• Joint ventures with funding partners to create a minimum 10 year ‘buy and hold’ agreement with the option to extend.

• Joint ventures with funding partners to develop and sell.

• Raise capital from angel investors at a fixed interest rate for a 5-year term.


Our Mission

Scott Baker Properties aspire to be the UK’s leading provider of high quality shared accommodation and coliving spaces. We provide help to those who need it most by providing emergency LGBTQ+ friendly housing and provide a 5 star service for our investors following our values of:

• Honesty & Integrity

• Reliability in Performance & Communications

• Security


Contact us for more information about current projects, our latest business proposals and investor packs. 

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