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Are you a Sports Professional? You might not be insured correctly!

The 5 most common mistakes sports professionals make when purchasing car insurance


1. Declaration of the correct occupation

As a sports professional, it is so important to declare your correct profession for your insurance to be valid in the event of a claim. Given the high-profile nature of professional sport information about sports men and women is readily available, particularly through social media and so if you do not declare the correct information to an insurer at the outset of a policy, you are likely to get found out at a later date.


Even if you have another part time job or you’re studying alongside your sport it is important to declare this. The more information you can provide to the insurer the better, so you can have the confidence that you are a fully covered should you need to make a claim. That’s where using a specialist sports broker can help.

What does your social media say about you?

If your social media highlights your sporting profession, then there is no hiding it. It’s so important to declare your correct profession on your insurance policy otherwise your insurance could be invalid.


2. Inclusion of Business Use on the policy

If you use your car traveling between different work locations, which is highly common amongst sports professionals it is also important to declare this on your insurance by the inclusion of business use. For example, if you drive to multiple locations for training and/or to competitions or matches then you would require business use on your policy in order to be properly covered.

If you drive for business reasons, you’ll routinely be in situations where accidents or theft is more likely. To insurers this makes you a high-risk driver. Including Business Use on your insurance covers you for this additional risk.

If you don’t declare that you use your car for business use and your involved in an accident, for instance on the way to a game or competition, your policy may be invalidated, and your claim may be rejected.


3. Driving a sponsored vehicle – declaration of ownership.

Many sports professionals are offered VIP or sponsorship deals when they purchase a new car however in some cases this means that the car is not registered to the individual.

When purchasing insurance, it is important that this is made clear to the insurer so as not to void a claim should one arise. In most cases insurers will only cover vehicles which are owned by the policyholder.


4. Address Details

Many sports professionals use their parents address for correspondence, particularly if they are living in rented accommodation, however it is critical that the insurer is made aware of where the vehicle is kept overnight otherwise this may result in a claim not being paid or a policy voided from inception.

Likewise, do not say that your car is garaged or kept on a driveway overnight if on occasions the car is not.


5. Motoring offences

All insurers require to know about any motoring convictions in the past 5 years. Even though they may show on the DVLA data base as being expired it is vital that any motoring offences are disclosed within the 5-year period. Again, it is so important to declare this information at inception of the policy to be sure your insurance is valid.

In summary, it is important to tell the truth when it comes to your insurance. If you provide the full and correct information at inception of the policy, it will give you the assurance that you are properly covered in the unfortunate event of a claim.


Rather than using a standard market insurer or entering your details into a comparison website, it’s worth speaking to a specialist insurer who can offer appropriate professional sports insurance cover.


At All Sport Insurance our team are experienced in arranging insurance solutions for sports professionals and their families. We have access to a specialist panel of insurers who understand your unique requirements and so we’re able to offer you competitive rates whilst ensuring you’re fully covered for your occupation.


It’s not worth the risk. It’s so important to get exactly the right level of cover you need giving you the peace of mind.


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